ASTM D5608-16

Standard Practices for Decontamination of Sampling and Non Sample Contacting Equipment Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites

ASTM D5608-16
ASTM D5608-16
ASTM D1193 ASTM D5088 ASTM D653

5.1 The primary objectives of work at low-level radioactive waste sites are the protection of personnel, prevention of the spread of contamination, minimization of additional wastes, protection of sample data quality, and the unconditional release of equipment used.

5.2 Preventing the contamination of equipment used at low-level radioactive waste sites and the decontamination of contaminated equipment are key aspects of achieving these goals.

5.3 This practice provides guidance in the planning of work to prevent contamination and when necessary, for the decontamination of equipment that has become contaminated. The benefits include:

5.3.1 Minimizing the spread of contamination within a site and preventing the spread outside of the work area.

5.3.2 Reducing the potential exposure of workers during the work and the subsequent decontamination of equipment.

5.3.3 Minimizing the amounts of additional wastes generated during the work, including liquid, or mixed wastes, including separation of the waste types, such as protective clothing, cleaning equipment, cleaning solutions, and protective wraps and drapes.

5.3.4 Improving the quality of sample data and reliability.

5.3.5 Selecting equipment based on total life-cycle costs counting labor, waste, containment, disposal, treatment, and additional analytical costs, such as using dedicated or disposable equipment rather than decontaminating between uses.

5.4 This practice may not be applicable to all low-level radioactive waste sites, such as sites containing low-level radioactive wastes mixed with chemical or reactive wastes. Field personnel, with assistance from trained radiological control professionals, should have the flexibility to modify the decontamination procedures with due consideration for the sampling objectives, or if past experience supports alternative procedures for contamination protection or decontamination.

5.5 This practice does not address the monitoring, protection, or decontamination of personnel working with low-level radioactive wastes.

5.6 This practice does not address regulatory requirements that may control or restrict work, the need for permits or regulatory approvals, or the accumulation, handling, or disposal of generated wastes.

5.7 This practice does not set the release levels for equipment that has been decontaminated. Release levels are to be determined in advance in the QA/QC planning process. Guidance for release limits can be found in the reference documents.

5.8 This practice does not address the regulatory requirements for the handling, labeling, shipping, or storage of wastes or samples.

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