正庚烷 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 正庚烷 相关的标准,共 10

本标准适用于高纯度正庚烷。备考:本品可制备为供气相层分析,质谱分析等仪器分析用标准试样,惟此时须加与试样等体积之 CNS 2008〔化学试药(硫酸)〕所规定浓硫酸于试样中充分振动 2 分钟后,静置 30 分钟,然后用肉眼检查硫酸层是否呈色

High Purity Heptance

本文件规定了化学试剂正庚烷的性状、分子式、结构式、相对分子质量和CAS号、规格、试验、检验规则和包装及标志。 本文件适用于化学试剂正庚烷的检验

Chemical reagent—n-Heptane

Zpracovatel: Chemické závody ?eskoslovensko-sovětského p?átelství, n. p., Zálu?í v Kru?n?ch horách - Luděk Laurich Pracovník ??adu pro

Asphaltenes. Precipitation ith normál heptane

Petroleum products — Gum content of fuels — Jet evaporation method — Amendment 1: Purity requirement for n-heptane

Petroleum products - Gum content of fuels - Jet evaporation method


Self-recycled solvent Heptane

Standard n-heptane. Specifications

Equilibrium Phase Properties of Selected Binary Systems: n-Heptane - Hydrogen Sulfide n-Heptane - Carbon Dioxide i-Butane - Nitrogen; Addendum - 1977

이 규격은 노말 헵탄 불용분을 나타내는 아스팔텐분(asphaltene)의 무게를 측정하는

Standard test method for n-heptane insolubles

This test method is useful in quantifying the asphaltene content of petroleum asphalts, gas oils, heavy fuel oils, and crude petroleum.

Standard Test Method for n-Heptane Insolubles

Standard test method for n-heptane insolubles

Standard test method for n-heptane insolubles

4.1 This test method is useful in quantifying the asphaltene content

Standard Test Method for n-Heptane Insolubles

Standard test method for n-heptane insolubles

Vapor Phase Data for the Binary Systems of Methane with n-Butane, n-Pentane, n-Hexane, and n-Heptane

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