发酵罐/生物反应器/混合/培养 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 发酵罐/生物反应器/混合/培养 相关的标准,共 10

Straw Bioreactor Fermentation Facility Cultivation Technical Regulations

Intelligent manufacturing in biological fermentation industry — Part 2: Intelligent bioreactor

Bacterial starter cultures for the production of dairy products. Specifications

Technical regulations for the production of biologically fermented total mixed feed

本标准规定了乳糖胆盐发酵培养基的质量要求、检验方法、使用说明、标志、标签以及包装、运输、贮存。 本标准适用于大肠杆菌乳糖发酵试验的乳糖胆盐发酵培养基

Lactose bile salt fermentation medium

Specific Biological Raw Materials - Animal 3605 Bacterial Biochemical Reaction Medium


Application multi-microbe culture in ruminant feed

Stations d'épuration - Partie 7 : réacteurs biologiques à cultures fixées

3600 Specific Biological Raw Materials - Animals 3605 Bacterial Biochemical Reaction Medium

Chlorella fermentation culture technical specifications


Technical regulations for raising pigs in microbial fermentation bed

本标准规定了利用微生物发酵床养猪废弃垫料制作食用菌培养基的术语和定义、质量要求、培养基制作工艺。 本标准适用于利用微生物发酵床养猪废弃垫料制作毛木耳、平菇、杏鲍菇和金针菇培养基

Technical specifications for making edible fungus culture medium by using waste litter of pigs raised in microbial fermentation bed


Appendix XIV Bacterial Biochemical Reaction Medium

This International Standard specifies characteristics of industrial bacterial starter cultures, which are principally lactic acid bacteria (LAB

Fermented milk products - Bacterial starter cultures - Standard of identity

Fermented milk products - Bacterial starter cultures - Standard of identity

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