固体(粉末)表面分析仪 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 固体(粉末)表面分析仪 相关的标准,共 10

この規格は,1984年のIUPACの推奨に基づきRninaner, Emmett及びTellerの方法(BET法)文献[1][2]に従う物理吸着気体の量を測定することによって,粉体状,固休状又は細孔をもつ固体の外部及び内部の全比表面積(<上1>)を決定する方法について規定する。以下,同休を含めて粉

Determination of the specific surface area of powders (solids) by gas adsorption method

Determination of the specific surface area of powders(solids) by gas adsorption method

Specifies the relevant test procedures and performance requirements for thermoset powder coatings applied to metal substrates, with the exception

Metal finishing - Thermoset powder coatings

Metal finishing - Thermoset powder coatings

Determination of the specific surface area of powders (solids) by gas adsorption -- BET method

Determination of the specific surface area of powders (solids) by gas adsorption method (Erratum 1)

Przedmiotem normy jest ozna-czanie g?sto?ci nasypowej proszków metalicznych z za-stosowaniem zasypnika zawieraj?cego komor? z uk?a-dem p?ytek hamuj

Metallic powders Determination of apparent density Volumeter method

Powder metallurgy - Metallic powders - Sieve analysis

Powder Coat Finish (English/German; This specification may be applied only for current projects incl. Global Epsilon e (37##). It is Superceded for all future projects; Replaced By GMW14664)

Przedmiotem normy s? metody oznaczania g?sto?ci produktów chemicznych ciek?ych i sta?ych w postaci proszku w temperaturze 20°C. Norma nie dotyczy

Chemical analysis. Determination of density of liquid chemical products and solids in powder

What is BS EN IEC 61207-3 - Paramagnetic oxygen analysers about?   BS EN IEC 61207-3 is the third part of the multi-series

Gas Analyzers. Expression of performance. Paramagnetic oxygen analysers

本标准规定了铝表面纹理粉末涂料的要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存及质量证明书与订货单(或合同)内容。 本标准适用于铝及铝合金产品表面纹理膜用粉末涂料(以下简称纹理粉末

Aluminum Surface Textured Powder Coating

In diesen Technischen Lieferbedingungen sind die qualitatsabhangigen Anforderungen dieses Polsterstoffes festgelegt. Die allgemeinen

Premold Coating Powder for SMC

本文件规定了铝表面抗沾污粉末涂料的术语和定义、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运 输、贮存、质量证明书。 本文件适用于铝及铝合金产品表面用抗沾污粉末涂料

Anti-fouling powder coating for aluminum surface

A-A-50767, dated 21 August 2001, has been reviewed and determined to be valid for use in acquisition


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