在线粘度计/工业用粘度计 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 在线粘度计/工业用粘度计 相关的标准,共 10

Viscometry - Measurement of viscosity using the Hoeppler Falling-Ball Viscometer

Measurement of viscosity by means ofthe rolling bali viscometer by Hoppler

Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 2:Determination of viscosity by rotation viscometers

Thermometers for determination of viscosity by means of Vogel-Ossag viscometer

Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 5:Determination of working point by sinking bar viscometer

Schválení ST SEV 3374-81 doporu?ilo ministerstvo pr?myslu ?SR. pracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: V?zkumn? ústav syn- tefcick?ch prysky?ic

Plastice. Determination of viscosity b? eans of the Hoppler-Viscosimeter

1. Las prescripciones de la presente norma se aplicarán a los líqui-dos de comportamiento nevtoniano en las condiciones de ensayo de viscosidad cinem

Viscosity: Measurement of kinematic viscosity in a capillary viscometer

This part of ISO 2884 specifies a general procedure for determining the viscosity of paints, varnishes and related products with a viscosity of up

Paints and varnishes. Determination of viscosity using rotary viscometers. Disc or ball viscometer operated at a specified speed

Viscometry - Measurement of viscosity using the Hoeppler Falling-Ball Viscometer

Viscometry - Measurement of viscosity using the Hoeppler Falling-Ball Viscometer

Viscometry - Measurement of viscosity using the Hoeppler Falling-Ball Viscometer

Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 3:Determination of viscosity by fibre elongation viscometer

Petroleum asphalts. Determination of viscosity at elevated temperatures using a rotational viscometer

The document deals with the measurement procedure of kinematic viscosity with the Ubbelohde viscometer and its design

Viscometry - Measurement of kinematic viscosity by means of the Ubbelohde viscometer - Part 1: Viscometer specification and measurement procedure; Corrigendum 1

Przedmiotem normy s? meto- d dy oznaczania lepko?ci dynamicznej ?ywic w stanie ciek?ym, w postaci roztworów, emulsji i dyspersji

Plastics -- Determination of viscosity by Hoppler's viscometer and Hoppler's rheoviscometer

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