嫁接 冬瓜 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 嫁接 冬瓜 相关的标准,共 10


Technical Regulations for Grafting Seedlings of Winter Melon

标准规定了冬瓜嫁接育苗的产地环境、育苗准备、种子处理、播种、嫁接前管理、嫁接、嫁接后 管理、成苗标准和病虫害防治。 本标准适用于冬瓜的嫁接育苗

Technical Regulations for Grafting Seedlings of Winter Melon

Technical Regulations for Grafting Seedlings of Winter Melon

Technical Regulations for Cucumber Grafting and Raising Seedlings in Winter


Technical Regulations for Intensive Grafting and Seedling Cultivation of Winter Melon


Technical Regulations for Intensive Grafting and Seedling Cultivation of Winter Melon

Technical procedures for grafting melons

Cucumber grafting technical specifications


Grafting sparse planting, pollution-free seedless watermelon grafting and raising seedlings

本标准规定了西瓜嫁接育苗技术术语和定义、嫁接前的准备、嫁接、管理、病虫害防治、商品苗、生产记录。 本标准适用于新疆第六师五家渠地区西瓜嫁接育苗

Watermelon Grafting and Seedling Breeding Technology


Technical regulations for the production of grafted seedlings of melon vegetables (cucumber, bitter gourd)

本标准规定了沾化冬枣嫁接苗培育的圃地准备、砧木苗的培育、嫁接、嫁接后管理、苗木出圃等内容。 本标准适用于山东省沾化冬枣嫁接育苗生产

Technical Regulations for Grafting Seedlings of Winter Jujube

Technical regulations for grafting and raising seedlings of muskmelon

Technical regulations for grafting and raising cucumber seedlings


Technical regulations for grafting and raising seedlings of muskmelon

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