微生物(快速)检测系统 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 微生物(快速)检测系统 相关的标准,共 10


Rapid detection method of main pathogenic microorganisms in feed-Micro Biology Survey(MBS)

本文件规定了用分子马达法、近红外免疫层析法和目标区域测序法快速测定微生物的方法。 本文件中第一法 ———分子马达法适用于食品和生活饮用水中单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌(L.mono -cy t ogene s)、副溶血性弧菌(Vi b r i oparahemo l t i cu s)、霍乱弧菌(Vi b

Rapid determination of microorganisms

本标准规定了食品中犬肠菌群的快速检验和计数方法。 本标准适用于食品中大肠菌群的快速检验和计数

Microbiological examination for food hygiene rapid detection of coliform bacteria

本标准规定了食品大肠菌群的LTSE快速诊断标准方法和判断结果原则。 本标准适用于各种食品、餐具和各种饮用水的大肠菌群快速测定。 本标准方法检出的大肠菌群的含量,表明被粪便污染的程度,而且间接地表明有肠道致病菌存在的可能性

Microbiological examination of food hygiene--Rapid LTSE method for determination of Coliform bacteria

DBS32/ 014-2017 食品安全地方标准 食源性致病微生物快速检测 DBS32/ 014-2017 食品安全地方标准 食源性致病微生物快速检测 本标准规定了食品中金黄色葡萄球菌、沙门氏菌、单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌、大肠埃希氏菌O157:H7、副溶血性弧菌和志贺氏菌的实时荧光PCR检测方法

Rapid detection of foodborne pathogenic microorganisms in food safety local standards

Microbial inhibition method for rapid detection of multiple antibiotic residues in livestock and poultry tissues and body fluids

This document provides guidance, a framework and a risk-based approach for the selection and validation of methods for rapid microbial detection

Biotechnology — Analytical methods — Risk-based approach for method selection and validation for rapid microbial detection in bioprocesses

本标准规定了测定水和污水生化需氧量(BOD)的微生物传感器快速测定法。本标准规定的生物化学需氧量是指水和污水中溶解性可生化降解的有机物在微生物作用下所消耗溶解氧的量。 本方法适用于地表水、生活污水和不含对微生物有明显毒害作用的工业废水中BOD的测定

Water quality.Determination of biochemical oxygen demand(BOD).Speedy testing method of microorganism sensor


A technical procedure for rapid detection of bemisia tabaci biotype

1   Scope This document provides guidance, a framework and a risk-based approach for the selection and validation of methods for rapid

Biotechnology. Analytical methods. Risk-based approach for method selection and validation for rapid microbial detection in bioprocesses

本标准规定了用胶体金快速定量法检测天然色素产品中生物毒素的方法。 本标准适用于基于天然产物提取及发酵制备的天然色素产品中黄曲霉素 B1、桔青霉素、玉米赤霉烯酮、呕吐毒素的快速定量检测

Detection of mycotoxins in pigment—Rapid quantitative method of colloidal gold strip test

Biotechnology — Analytical methods — Risk-based approach for method selection and validation for rapid microbial detection in bioprocesses


Quick determination of flax fiber fineness.Microscopic image method

General requirements for rapid testing for health supervision

This international Standard specifies a rapid method for estimating the number of psychrotrophic microorganisms by means of the colony-count technique

Milk -- Estimation of psychrotrophic microorganisms -- Colony-count technique at 21 degrees C (Rapid method)

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