挥发酚测定仪 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 挥发酚测定仪 相关的标准,共 10

Detection of wastewater to determine volatile phenols

Calibration specifications for online volatile phenol monitors in water

Volatile phenol water quality online automatic analyzer

Determination of phenolic volatile vapors. Colorimeter measurement

Determination of phenolic volatile vapors. Bromide determination regulations

本标准规定了测定环境空气中臭氧的靛蓝二磺酸钠分光光度法。 本标准适用于环境空气中臭氧的测定。相对封闭环境(如室内、车内等)空气中臭氧的测定也可参照本标准。 当采样体积为30L时,本标准测定空气中臭氧的检出限为0.010 mg/m3,测定下限为0.040 mg/m3。 当采样体积

Water quality.Determination of volatile phenolic compounds.Bromine method


Part 2: Determination of volatile phenols in water quality

本标准规定了液体酚醛树脂(甲阶酚醛树脂、线型酚醛树脂溶液等)中非挥发物的常规测定方法。供商业品或生产过程中各阶段的树脂使用。 注:对于酚醛树脂,"非挥发物"以仲裁的试验条件为根据(见4.2注1)。本方法所得结果可能与树脂工业应用中得到的试验结果不一致

Routine determination of non-volatile matter in liquid phenolic resin

Volatile phenol reactions in drinking water and definition of phenolic compounds

Water Quality Determination of Volatile Phenols Bromination Volumetric Method after Distillation

Plastics-Liquid phenolic resins-Conventional determination of non-volatile matter

本标准规定了水产品中挥发酚残留量的分光光度测定方法。 本标准适用于水产品中可食部分挥发酚残留量的测定

Determination of volatile phenolic compounds residues in fishery products Spectrophotometric method

Plastics-Liquid phenolic resins-Conventional determination of non-volatile matter

Plastics-Liquid phenolic resins-Conventional determination of non-volatile matter

Water and waste water Tests for phenols Determination of volatile phenols above 10 mg/l by titrimetric brometric method

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