机肥 秸秆 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 机肥 秸秆 相关的标准,共 10


straw fertilizer machine

Working quality of straw fertilizer making machine


Straw organic fertilizer production technical regulations

本标准规定了秸秆生物有机肥的术语和定义、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标识、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于以小麦、水稻秸秆为主要原料,经建堆、注水、添加有机物料腐熟剂、覆膜等工序,经有氧发酵腐熟工艺或厌氧发酵腐熟工艺制成的产品

straw bio organic fertilizer

Technical specifications for field production of straw organic fertilizer

Technical Regulations for Deep Mixing of Straw and Organic Fertilizer and Returning to Fields for Carbon Increase

Stratified stacking fermentation technical regulations for straw organic fertilizer in black soil area

Tobacco straw bio-organic fertilizer production technical guide

Technical specifications for mechanized fertilizer production from crop straw fermentation


Technical regulations for wheat (oil) cotton two-ripening anniversary straw returning to field and organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer

1、整地 1.1秋季整地 搅浆、旋耕、翻耕 1.2春季整地 旋耕、水耙地 2、育秧 采用钵毯盘工厂化育秧,智能化控制棚内光照、温度与湿度。 3、插秧 5月15日~5月25日,采用带有侧深施肥装置的插秧机定量移栽(行距:30 cm、穴距:18 cm~21 

Technical regulations for mechanized cultivation of rice straw returning to the field with high-efficiency fertilization

本文件规定了畜禽粪便、作物秸秆等有机废弃物高温堆肥的堆肥前期准备、堆肥流程、指标检测、腐熟度判定、施用等技术要求。 本文件适用于畜禽粪便、作物秸秆等有机废弃物堆肥及其果树施用

Technical regulations for the composting of organic waste such as livestock and poultry manure and crop stalks and the application of fruit trees

Tomato straw composting technical regulations

Technical regulations for corn straw composting


Technological standards for box composting of straw

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