氧指数测定仪 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 氧指数测定仪 相关的标准,共 10

Oxygen index meter calibration procedures

Plastics. Method for determination of the oxygen index

Digital oxygen detector

Sets out a procedure for the determination of the attrition index of smelter-grade alumina

Alumina - Determination of attrition index

本标准规定了以覆膜电极作为传感器的溶解氧测定仪的通用技术要求、测试方法和检验规则。 本标准适用于覆膜式传感器溶解氧测定仪

Dissolved oxygen meter

1.1本标准规定了在一定的条件下,小型直立试样在氧氮混合气流中维持燃烧时所需最低氧浓度的测定方法。 1.2本标准适用于在实验室条件下评定沥青和改性沥青材料的燃烧性能。本标准不适用于评定实际使用条件下沥青材料的着火危险性。 1.3本标准未涉及有关使用的安全规定,标准使用者有责任在使用前制定合适的

Asphalt-Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index

Test method for the determination of oxygen index of insulating liquids

Essential oils. Determination of peroxide index.


Dissolved Oxygen Meters


Calibration Specification for Bromine Number and Bromine Index Meters

本标准规定了小麦硬度指数测定仪检定的要求、器具控制、检定项目与检定方法、检定结果的处理和检定周期。 本标准适用于采用抗机械粉碎原理,以小麦硬度作为测定对象的小麦硬度指数测定仪(以下简称仪器)的首次检定、后续检定和使用中检验

Technical specification for calibrating wheat hardness index tester

1 This part of ISO 4589 constitutes a guidance document for the OI test. It provides information to guide the reader in the use of the test procedures

Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Guidance

Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Guidance

Schváleni ST SEV 6219-88 doporu?ilo ministerstvo pr?myslu CSR. Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: V?zkumn? ústav gumárenské a plastiká?sk

Plastics. Determination of flammabi- ity by oxygen index

Plastics; Determination of flammability by oxygen index

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