测氡仪 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 测氡仪 相关的标准,共 10

Verification Regulation of Radon Meter

本规程适用于测量范围为(0~10) kBq•m-3的环境中放射性氡(专指222 Rn,下同)体积活度测量仪的首次检定、后续检定和使用中检查

Radon Measuring Instruments


Radon detector with activated charcoal

Verification Regulations for Radon Meter

Verification Regulations for Radon Meter

The requirements of this part of IEC 61577 are applicable to instruments for measuring airborne radon volume activity. This part is applicable

Radiation protection instrumentation - Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments - Specific requirements for radon measuring instruments

本部分规定了地震观测仪器中闪烁测氡仪进网的技术要求和测试方法。 本部分适用于闪烁测氡仪的设计、生产、测试、使用、维护、引进和质量监督

Technical requirements of instruments in network for earthquake monitoring.Undergound fluid Observation instruments.Part 3: Scintillation radonscope

Radiation protection instrumentation. Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments. Specific requirements for radon decay product measuring instruments

本部分适用于工作场所、住宅、室外和土壤中测量氡气体积活度的仪器。测量方法取决于具体的目的,但这些要求适用于辐射防护或研究中通常使用的仪器。 本部分适用于抓取取样、连续取样和累积取样的各种类型氡测量仪。通过泵抽取或扩散使含氡空气进入探测器或在一特定时刻测量抓取样品的活度来测定氡浓度

Radiation protection instrumentation.Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments.Part2:Specific requirements for radon measruing instruments

GB/T 13163的本部分规定了测量室外、住宅和工作场所(含地下矿井)中气载短寿命氡子体的体积活度和/或其环境α潜能浓度仪器的特殊要求。本部分适用于基于抓取采样、连续采样技术和电子积分测量方法的几乎所有类型的电子仪器。对采样装置(如过滤器)上的活度测量可在采样期间或采样周期完成之后进行。在GB/T

Radiation protection instrumentation.Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments.Part 3: Specific requirements for radon decay product measuring instruments

The requirements of this part of IEC 61577 are applicable to instruments for measuring airborne radon volume activity. This part is applicable

Radiation Protection Instrumentation - Radon and Radon Decay Product Measuring Instruments - Part 2: Specific Requirements for Radon Measuring Instruments (Edition 2.0)

Instrumentation for radiation protection - Instrument for measuring radon and radon progeny - Part 3: specific requirements for instruments for measuring radon progeny

What is BS EN 61577-3 - Specific requirements for radon decay product measuring instruments about?    BS EN 61577 is a European

Radiation protection instrumentation. Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments - Specific requirements for radon decay product measuring instruments

Draft Document - Radiation Protection Instrumentation - Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments - Part 2: Specific requirements on radon measuring instruments (IEC 45B/707/CD:2011-09)

Radiation protection instrumentation - Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments - Part 3: Specific requirements for radon decay product measuring instruments (IEC 61577-3:2011)

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