环已烷 标准查询与下载

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本标准规定了化学试剂环己烷的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则和包装及标志。 本标准适用于化学试剂环己烷的检验

Chemical reagent. Cyclohexane

Technical cyclohexane. Specifications

1.1 This specification covers benzene for cyclohexane feedstock.

1.2 Consult current OSHA regulations supplier's Material Safety Data

Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock

1.1 This specification covers benzene for cyclohexane feedstock.

1.2 The following applies to all specified limits in this standard

Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock

1.1 This specification covers benzene for cyclohexane feedstock.

1.2 The following applies to all specified

Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock

1.1 This specification covers benzene for cyclohexane feedstock.

1.2 The following applies to all specified

Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock

1.1 This specification covers benzene for cyclohexane feedstock.

Standard Specification for Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock

1.1. Prezentul standard se refer? la hexaclor-ciclohexanul tehnic (C6H6C16) denumit ?i hexacloran. 1.2. Hexaclor-ciclohexanul

Technical hexachlorocyclohexane. General conditions

Cyclohexane specifications for industrial use

本标准规定了工业用环戊烷的要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输、贮存和安全。 本标准适用于以工业石脑油、轻柴油裂解加氢经过精馏得到的环戊烷。该产品替代一氟三氯甲烷(CFC-11),主要用作聚氨酯发泡剂。 分子式:C5H10 相对分子质量

Cyclopentane for industrial use

本标准规定了工业1,4-氧氮杂环已烷(俗称吗啉)的要求、采样、试验方法、标志、标签、包装等。 本标准适用于以二乙二醇为原料,经催化氨解精馏而制得的工业1,4-氧氮杂环已烷

Industrial 1,4-oxazepine (morpholine)

本标准规定了职业接触正已烷的生物监测指标、生物限值及监测检验方法。 本标准适用于职业接触正己烷劳动者的生物监测

Biological limit values for occupational exposure to n-hexane

Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Measurements on the Systems Ethane-N- Propylcyclohexane, Propane-Cyclohexane, Propane-N- Propylcyclohexane, Propane-N-Propylbenzene and Propane-Mesitylene

Equilibrium Phase Properties of Selected Naphthenic Binary Systems: Ethylcyclohexane - Carbon Dioxide Ethylcyclohexane - Nitrogen Ethylcyclohexane - Methane

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