育苗 瓠瓜 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 育苗 瓠瓜 相关的标准,共 10


Gourd Production Technical Regulations

本文件规定了香山之品瓠瓜的要求、试验方法。 本文件适用于瓠瓜

Fragrant Hills Gourd

Gourd cultivation technical regulations

Cultivation technical specification for long gourd (cucurbita) in mountain area

本规范规定了瓠瓜的产地环境、产量指标、整地施肥、起垄覆膜、种子处理、播种、水肥管理等技术要求。 本规范适用于青海东部河湟谷地农业区海拔1600米—2000米的露地种植

Cultivation technical specification of gourd

Technical regulations for watermelon and melon seedling cultivation


Vegetable Seedling Substrate

Technical regulations for early spring plug seedling cultivation of melon vegetables

Watermelon Seedling Substrate

Gourd seeds quality standard

Cucumber substrate seedling quality

Seedling Quality of Watermelon Substrate Raising Seedlings


Technical Regulations for Papaya Seedling Raising by Cutting Seedlings


Technical Regulations for Raising Seedlings of Papaya with Grafting


Technical regulations for seedling cultivation of papaya with light skin

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