育苗 花楸 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 育苗 花楸 相关的标准,共 10


Ukrainian Sorbus Seedlings Technical Regulations

Technical Regulations for Raising Seedlings of Sorbus australis

European Sorbus Seedling Technical Regulations

Technical Regulations for Seedling Cultivation of Water Elm Sorbus

Technical Regulations for Sowing Seedlings of Sorbus


Technical regulations for rowan tree container seedling cultivation

本文件规定了西康花楸(Sorbus prattii)在海拔1500m~3000m的大田播种育苗的苗圃地选择、圃地准备、播种育苗、苗期管理、苗木出圃质量及育苗技术档案等要求。 本文件适用于西康花楸大田播种育苗

Xikang Sorbus seedling raising technical regulations

Technical Regulations for Cultivation of Sorbus Seedlings

Technical regulations for sowing and raising seedlings of Sorbus nigra

Technical regulations for sowing and raising seedlings of European rowan trees

Technical Regulations for Cultivating Seedlings of Sorbus adenocarpa

Technical Regulations for Raising Seedlings of Sorbus adenocarpus Tender Branches

Technical regulations for catalpa seedlings

Technical Regulations for Grafting Seedlings of Ash Catalpa and Catalpa

本标准的附录A为规范性附录。 本标准由河北省林业局提出。 本标准起草单位:河北政法职业学院等。 本标准主要起草人:师国洪、史聪平、贾文林、倪同良、侯建生、孟树标、张润娟、石建朝、李仲才。本标准规定了揪树的育苗地准备、育苗方法、苗木出圃等技术要求

Technical regulations for catalpa seedlings

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