覆盖 秸秆 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 覆盖 秸秆 相关的标准,共 10

Technical regulations for strip tillage covered with corn stalks

Technical regulations for blueberry and corn stalk mulching in cold regions

Technical regulations for anti-corrosion cultivation of corn stalks

Technical regulations for corn straw mulching and returning to field strip tillage

Technical regulations for ridge cropping with corn stalks


Technical regulations for dryland corn straw mulching production

Technical regulations for no-tillage planting with corn straw mulching

本标准规定了全秸秆覆盖免耕播种机的术语和定义、产品型号、技术要求、安全要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装与贮存等。 本标准适用于机械式、气力式全秸秆覆盖免耕播种机(以下简称免耕播种机

Agricultural machinery full straw mulching no-tillage seeder

Technical regulations for water-saving cultivation of corn stalks covered with drip irrigation

Technical regulations for the integration of water and fertilizer in corn straw mulched strip tillage drip irrigation


Technical regulation on No-tillage and sowing leaf vegetables directly with straw mulching rice plate field

Technical regulations for mechanized planting of corn stalks covered and returned to the field with no-tillage sowing

Technical regulations for no-tillage production of corn straw strip mulching


Technical regulations for no-tillage corn straw mulching and return planting on sloping farmland

Technical specifications for full mechanized corn straw mulching and returning to the field for protective tillage

标准专题 覆盖 玉米

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