设施 秸秆 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 设施 秸秆 相关的标准,共 10

Technical Regulations for Vegetable Straw Returning in Facilities

Technical regulations for in-situ return of fruit and vegetable straw in facilities

Light and Simplified Technical Regulations for Returning Straw in Facility Cultivation

Technical regulations for facility fruit tree straw bioreactor

本文件规定了设施番茄秸秆还田条件下的土壤肥力测定、施肥技术、化肥减施要求、生产档案等。 本文件适用于设施番茄秸秆还田条件下的化肥减施

Technical regulations for reducing fertilizer application through tomato straw returning to field

Technical specification for facility vegetable straw bioreactor


Technical specification for vegetable and straw industrialized fertilizer making process

Asparagus Protected Cultivation and Straw Resource Utilization Technical Regulations


The construction standard of facilities for ammoniation and silage of crop straw

Technical Regulations for Returning Corn Stalks to the Field after Decomposition in Facility Vegetable Cultivation

Zpracovatel a Oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: Zemědělské zásobování a nákup G? Praha — L. Mizerovsk?, V. ?pírek Pracovník ??adu pro normalizaci a m


Prezentul standard se refera la paiele de cereale (gr?u, orz, ov?z ?i secar?) destinate furaj?rii animalelor


本标准规定了秸秆沼气工程施工操作的一般原则、以及主要建(构)筑物的施工、电气设备及仪表设备的安装、给排水及供热工程的施工、消防设施的施工、附属建筑物的施工及安全要求的基本操作规程。 本标准适用于以农作物秸秆为主要原料的沼气工程施工,不适用于农村户用秸秆沼气

Construction operational regulation of crop straw anaerobic digestion engineering

本标准规定了秸秆炭的术语和定义、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。 本标准适用于以秸秆为主要原料热解炭化而成的秸秆炭

straw charcoal

本文件确立了秸秆收储运体系建设的基本原则,给出了秸秆收储运体系组织模式分类,规定了秸秆收储运体系建设的总体要求以及秸秆收集系统、秸秆存储系统和秸秆运输系统的建设要求,以及综合评价内容和方法。 本文件适用于农作物秸秆收储运体系设计和建设

Construction specification for the system of straw collection, storage and transportation

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