选育 种鸡 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 选育 种鸡 相关的标准,共 10

Breeding technical regulations for Queshan chicken breeders

Spracovatel: V?skumn? ústav hydinárstva, ú.o., Ivanka pri Dunaji — Ing. Rudolf Cisárik Odborové normaliza?ně st?edisko: Hydinársky priemysel

Poultry kept for breeding. Chickens, hens and cocks

Zpracovatel: MZV? ?SR, V?zkumn? ústav ?ivo?i?né v?roby, Uh?íněves, Ing. Milan Fo?t, CSc. Pracovník ??adu pro normalizaci a mě?ení: Hana Králí?kov

Poultry kept for breeding. Turkeys

Technical Specifications for Breeding of Bashang Long-tailed Chicken

Technical regulations for breeding male egg breeders

Technical regulations for seedling raising of Acer palmatum


Nanchuan chicken breed

本标准规定了普通油茶及近缘种的选择育种、杂交育种、试验测定、区域试验等基本技术要求。 本标准适用于普通油茶及主要近缘种的良种选育工作

Breeding technique of oil-tea camellia

Technical Regulations for Breeding of Chicken Head Polygonatum Seedlings

Technical Regulations for the Breeding of Chicken Spatholobus yunnanensis Seedlings

Technical regulations for sowing and raising seedlings of Viburnum viburnum

本标准规定了小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla Lam)育苗的苗圃地的选择、种子采集与处理、播种时间、播种方法、播种后管理和苗木出圃等技术要求。 本标准适用于小叶锦鸡儿适栽区播种育苗

Technical regulations for sowing and raising seedlings of Caragana microphylla

Technical Regulations for the Breeding of Datong Drumstick Onion Variety

Technical Regulations for Breeding of Liaoyu White Cattle Breeding Bulls

Technical criterion for selection and breeding of pigs

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