鉴定 甘薯 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 鉴定 甘薯 相关的标准,共 10

本标准规定了甘薯[Ipomoea batatas (L.)Lam.]种质资源鉴定的技术要求和方法。 本标准规定了甘薯[Ipomoea batatas (L.)Lam.] 栽培种种质资源的植物学特征、生物学特性、品质性状和抗性的鉴定,甘薯属的其他种参考本鉴定技术规程

Technical Code for Evaluating Germplasm Resource Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]

本标准规定了甘薯品种抗瘟鉴定的接种液制备、田间诱发、人工接种、病情调查、抗瘟性评价、鉴 定记录。 本标准适用于福建省甘薯品种的抗瘟鉴定

Technical Regulations for Blast Resistance Identification of Sweet Potato Varieties

本标准规定了甘薯抗蔓割病鉴定方法、抗性评价标准以及接种后与鉴定后材料的灭活处理。 本标准适用于甘薯品种对蔓割病抗性评价

Technical specification for identification of sweet potato resistance to vine cutting disease

ISSR method for identifying the authenticity of sweet potato varieties

Technical Regulations for Identification of Stem Nematode Resistance in Sweet Potato

Quarantine and Identification Method of Sweet Potato Stem Rot Pathogen


Test procedures for the identification of food and economic crop varieties Part 1: Sweet potato

SSR molecular marker method for authenticity identification of sweet potato varieties


Technical regulations for identification and evaluation of high-efficiency phosphorus resources in sweet potato


Technical regulations for identification and evaluation of high-efficiency nitrogen resources in sweet potato

Technical Regulations for Identification of Resistance to Major Sweet Potato Diseases Part 5: Potato Blast

Technical Regulations for Identification of Resistance to Major Sweetpotato Diseases Part 1: Black Spot

Technical Regulations for Identification of Resistance to Major Sweet Potato Diseases Part 4: Stalking Disease

Technical Regulations for Identification of Resistance to Major Sweetpotato Diseases Part 3: Root Rot

Technical Regulations for Identification of Resistance to Major Sweetpotato Diseases Part 2: Stem Nematodes

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