锻制 大果 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 锻制 大果 相关的标准,共 10

Specification for Wrought Iron Rolled or Forged Blooms and Forgings

本标准规定了我国大骨节病(KBD)防制效果判定标准。 本标准适用于全国各级卫生行政和业务部门对大骨节病各种防制措施效果的判定

Judging criteria of preventive effect on kashin-Beck disease

1.1 This is an acceptance specification for the ultrasonic inspection of forged steel crankshafts having main bearing journals or crankpins 4 in.

Standard Specification for Ultrasonic Examination of Forged Crankshafts

High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel Large Forged Bars

This GSO Standard is concerned with the requirements which shall be met in frozen garlic

Vegetables and fruits and their products- Frozen garlic

Vegetables and fruits and their products- Frozen garlic

Vegetables and fruits and their products- Frozen garlic

本标准规定了大骨节病预防控制措施效果判定指标。 本标准适用于大骨节病病区各种预防控制措施的效果判定

Effect juding for prevention measures of Kaschin-Beck disease

Specification of forging of heavy steel forgings


Big fruit snow mire

Preliminary heat treatment of heavy steel forgings

Energy-saving technical guidelines for manufacturing large-scale industrial castings and forgings

5 要求 5.1 卫生要求 刀具与食品接触的金属部分应符合GB 4806.9的规定。刀具与食品接触的非金属部分应符合相应的食品安全国家标准的规定。 5.2 材料 5.2.1 总则 刀具应使用能确保其成品满足本文件全部性能要求的材料制造,且刀具在可预见的使用条件下不能有

Dazu forged knife

Large cherry fruit grading

本文件规定了锻轧式大型筒形锻件的制造工艺、技术要求、检验规则、试验方法、标识及质量证明书等。 本文件适用于直径≥3500mm、1500mm≤高度≤3000mm、25吨≤重量≤200吨的钢制(碳素钢、合金钢及不锈钢等)筒形锻件制造和验收

General technical requirements for forging and rolling large cylindrical forgings

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