防控 葡萄 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 防控 葡萄 相关的标准,共 10


Technical regulations for comprehensive prevention and control of grape powdery mildew in facilities

Technical regulations for green prevention and control of grape diseases and insect pests in facilities

Technical regulations for green control of wine grape diseases and insect pests

本文件界定了葡萄霜霉病综合防控涉及的术语和定义,给出了发病规律、发病症状等信息,描述了农业防治、物理防治和化学防治等综合防控方法。  本文件适用于广西行政区域内葡萄霜霉病的综合防控

Technical code of practice for integrated management of Grape downy mildew

本文件界定了毛葡萄病虫害绿色防控技术涉及的术语和定义,给出了主要病虫害的信息,规定了监测预警、防治原则、绿色防控措施等要求。  本文件适用于广西壮族自治区行政区域内毛葡萄病虫害的绿色防控

Technical code of practice for green prevention and control of insects and diseases of Vitis quinquangularis Rehd

本文件界定了桂葡6号葡萄白粉病绿色防控技术涉及到的术语和定义,给出了发病规律、发病症状,描述了其农业防控、物理防控和生物防控等绿色防控方法。  本文件适用于广西行政区内北回归线以南地区的一年两收栽培桂葡6号葡萄白粉病绿色防控。 

Technical code of practice for green prevention and control of powdery mildew of Guipu No.6 grape


Technical regulations for prevention and control of major grapevine diseases and pests

Technical regulations for green prevention and control of mountain crystal grape diseases and insect pestspdf

Technical regulations for green prevention and control of major fruit tree diseases and insect pests Part 5: grapes

Technical Regulations for the Prevention and Control of Main Diseases and Pests of Red Globe Grape

Technical regulations for green control of grape pests in shallow mountain and hilly areas

Technical regulations for green prevention and control of grape diseases and insect pests in Xiaoxian County, a geographical indication product

本文件界定了一年两收阳光玫瑰葡萄病虫害绿色防控技术涉及的术语和定义,给出了主要病虫害的信息,规定了监测预警、防治原则、绿色防控措施等要求。 本文件适用于广西行政区域内一年两收阳光玫瑰葡萄病虫害的绿色防控

Technical code of practice for green prevention and control of insects and diseases of Shine-Muscat grape under harvest twice a year

Technical regulations for green prevention and control of major grape diseases and insect pests


Guizhou province grape downy mildew monitoring and green prevention and control technical regulations

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