防治 梨树 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 防治 梨树 相关的标准,共 10

本部分规定了杀菌剂防治苹果树腐烂病(Cytospora mandshurica)、梨树腐烂病(Cytosporacarphosperma)田间药效小区试验的方法和要求。 本部分适用于杀菌剂防治苹果树腐烂病、梨树腐烂病登记用田间药效小区试验及药效评价。其他田间药效试验参照本部分执行

Pesticide-Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(II)-Part 117:Fungicides against canker of apple and pear

Technical regulations for pollution-free control of pear tree rot

本部分规定了杀菌剂防治苹果树腐烂病(Cytospora mandshurica)、梨树腐烂病(Cytospora ambi—ens)病疤复发田间药效小区试验的方法和要求。 本部分适用于杀菌剂防治苹果树腐烂病、梨树腐烂病复发登记用田间药效小区试验及药效评价。其他田间药效试验参照本部分执行

Pesticide-Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(II)-Part 116:Fungicides against canker recur of apple and pear


Technical Regulations for Chemical Control of Main Diseases and Pests of Pear Trees


Technical regulations for chemical control of pear tree diseases and insect pests during the dormant period

Technical regulations for comprehensive control of major fruit-boring pests of pear trees in Dali Prefecture


Technical Regulations on Pear Rust Control

Technical regulations for comprehensive prevention and control of pear tree rot

本标准由河北科技师范学院提出。 本标准起草单位:河北科技师范学院。 本标准主要起草人:齐慧霞 、于泉林、 杨文兰、 贺字典 、祖炳民。本标准规定和介绍了梨黑星病病害症状、发生规律、防治原则、防治措施等。 本标准适用于梨树黑星病综合防治的指导。

Pear scab comprehensive control technical regulations

Technical regulations for integrated control of pear fruit bagged pests


Technical regulations for chemical control of main diseases and insect pests of pear

Surveillance and control of pear leaf blight


Pest Control of Dangshan Suli Pear

本规程规定了中国梨木虱综合防治的相关术语和定义、虫情调查、危害程度划分及防治方法和防治效果调查。 本规程适用于河北省中国梨木虱的综合防治

Technical regulations for comprehensive control of pear psyllid in China

Technical Regulations for the Control of Leaf Roller Weevil in Pear

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