防治 白杨 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 防治 白杨 相关的标准,共 10

The technical rule of prevention and conteol for Paranthrene tabaniformis

Technical regulations for the prevention and control of poplar lucid moth


Technical Regulations for Integrated Control of Poplar Moth


Technical regulations for the control of poplar scorpion moth pests by the white moth Zhou's

Technical Regulations for the Comprehensive Management of Poplar Moth

The control technology of the poplar moth

Poplar canker disease control technology

The technical rule of prevention and conteol for Stilpnotia candida

Technical regulations for the control of poplar moth

Technical Regulations for the Prevention and Control of Poplar Elephant

Prevention and Control Technology of Main Stem Boring Pests of Poplar Trees

本标准中的附录A、附录B和附录C是资料性附录。 本标准由河北省林业局提出。 本标准起草单位:河北科技师范学院。 本标准规定了杨树溃疡病综合防治的基本原则、防治指标、防治适期、选用药剂和防治方法等。 本标准适用于杨树溃疡病防治。

Technical regulations for comprehensive control of poplar canker

Technical regulations for the prevention and control of poplar fang moth

本标准规定了杨梅有害生物防治原则、农药选用原则、农药使用与质量安全要求。 本标准适用于指导杨梅生产

Practice to control the pests and diseases on Myrica rubra Sieb.et Zucc

Technical Regulations for the Control and Prevention of Poplar Flea Moth

标准专题 防控 杨树

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