饲养 肉羊 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 饲养 肉羊 相关的标准,共 10

Feed standard of meat-producing sheep and goats

Meat sheep feeding management specification

Breeding standard of Dumont mutton sheep


Meat sheep feeding management technical regulations

Technical regulations for the feeding and management of mutton sheep


Technical Specification of Chinese Herbal and its Extracts for Meat-type Sheep

Feeding regulations for various types of mutton sheep

Technical specifications for the feeding and management of house-fed mutton sheep


Antibiotic-Free Mutton Sheep Breeding Technical Specification


Technical regulations for feeding and management of multi-lamb sheep

Technical Regulations on Feeding and Management of Huanghuai Mutton Sheep

Technical specifications for feeding and management of mutton sheep in agricultural areas

Green Food Meat Sheep Feeding Technical Regulations

Bamei Mutton Sheep Feeding and Management Technical Regulations

本标准规定了无公害肉羊生产中环境.引种和购羊饲养防疫、废弃物处理等涉及到肉羊饲养管理 的各环节应遵循的准则。 本标准适用于生产无公害羊肉的种羊场.人工受精站、胚胎移植中心 .商品羊场、隔离场的饲养和 管理

Pollution-free food mutton sheep breeding management guidelines

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