
上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-12-29 14:26:18/ 个人分类:科学探索


  动物胚胎成功地从将它们基因组的二维编码转变成为可以面对自然选择挑战的多维有机体。在三维的身体之外,动物基因组还含有额外的维度:细胞协调形成组织,组织聚集成有功能的器官,然后器官形成了身体的系统,这样个体对生命的各种挑战和生存条件起适当的反应。食物中的毒素被解毒,病原体被杀死,寄生虫被清除,以及捕食者被逃避都这些精巧的反应都在基因组中编码了。目前还无法像胚胎那样有效地转换而从基因组来计算出一个有机体,但是本期的两篇文章,来自Gerstein 等和modENCODE委员会,将这个目标带离我们更近了。

  Science. 2010 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print]

  Revealing the Dark Matter of the Genome.

  Blaxter M.

  Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK.


  Animal embryos successfully transform. the two-dimensional code of their genome into multidimensional organisms that are ready to meet the challenge of natural selection. In addition to the three dimensions of the body, animal genomes inform. additional dimensions: of cells coordinating to form. tissues, tissues functioning together as organs, and organs shaping the body's systems; and of individuals responding appropriately to the varied challenges of life and surviving to breed. Poisons in food are detoxified, pathogens are killed, parasites are eliminated, and predators avoided through the deft employment of responses encoded in the genome. It is not currently possible to compute an organism from its genome, performing the transformation so efficiently executed by embryos, but two articles in this issue, by Gerstein et al. and the modENCODE Consortium, bring this goal closer.







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