本公司长期:( 收购 销售 维修 租赁): 网络分析仪 综合测试仪 频谱分析仪 信号发生器 示波器 音频分析仪 数字万用表 源 功率计 LCR电子测试仪 电子负载万 电缆/天线分析仪 蓝牙综测仪 GPIB卡等


上一篇 / 下一篇  2015-04-14 09:57:37/ 个人分类:屏蔽箱

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IFR 4921 RF Shields

The unit under test should be isolated from its environment to prevent radiation from different sources affecting each other. Interference would result in unreliable or even wrong test results, incorrectly adjusted transmitters or failed tests even when the equipment actually performs within specification. Aeroflex’s RF shields meet the needs of production and repair centers in terms of isolation of the unit from other RF equipment such as radio base stations.4921 RF ShieldNew shield box meets high volume testing of service centers and manufacturers Aeroflex's 4921 RF Shield is an established RF shielding solution for testing 4G mobile phones, as well as data cards and WLAN equipment in large service centers and production lines. The 4921 is the optimum solution for service centers and manufacturers with high volume phone testing because it can endure the high open/close rates involved. The RF Shield is designed to eliminate interference from any adjacent mobile phones, the local base station, and to isolate the environment from the RF emitted from the phone (or other device under test).4931 and 4932 RF ShieldsNew generation of medium sized shield boxesThe 4931 RF Shield takes the concept of high shielding and excellent absorption of the predecessor and adds further improvements.Highlights of the predecessor inheritedShielding is the most important requirement for an enclosure like the 4931 RF Shield. Therefore, the shielding is kept at the same level as the very successful predecessor the 4921 RF Shield and we are verifying every box in our production to guarantee that data sheet values are exceeded.In addition Aeroflex uses only high-class absorber material in its boxes to avoid reflections. This way Aeroflex can guarantee that tests in different boxes are comparable and the test results are reliable and repeatable.Since the physical dimensions remain unchanged, the coupling loss values of the Aeroflex database can be also used for the new 4931 RF Shield.The 4921 RF Shield features:Exceeds 80 dB attenuation requirement for RF shielding Reliable, robust design, yet small size and weight make it a portable solution Ideal for high-volume testing; guaranteed number of open/close cycles Suitable for mobile phones of all sizes; approved by leading phone manufacturers Modular conception - A whole concept of shielding and coupling with the Aeroflex 4916 Antenna Coupler Bluetooth option for Go/NoGo testing available The 4931 and 4932 RF Shield features:High shielding factor for safe testing in all applications High-grade absorption for repeatable test results Works with the 4914, the 4916 and the 4918 Antenna Couplers Microprocessor-controlled solenoid latching Gas springs are outside for more space No finger stocks to ease maintenance

Agilent HP 04142-61023电压电流源/监视器

Agilent HP 04142-61042电压电流源/监视器

Agilent HP 3610A直流电源

Agilent HP 41420A200V/1A 电压电流源/监视器插件

Agilent HP 41421B100V/100A电压电流源/监视器插件

Agilent HP 41422A10V/10A 电压电流源/监视器插件

Agilent HP 41423A1000V/10A 电压电流源/监视器插件

Agilent HP 41424A电压电流源/监视器插件

Agilent HP 41425A电压电流源/监视器插件

Agilent HP 4142B电压电流源/监视器

Agilent HP 6010A200V/17A 直流电源

Agilent HP 6012B60V/50A/1000W 直流电源

Agilent HP 6024A60V/10A 直流电源

Agilent HP 6030A200V/17A 直流电源

Agilent HP 6031A20V/120A 直流电源

Agilent HP 6032A60V/ 50A 直流电源

本公司长期:( 收购 销售 维修 租赁):
示波器 网络分析仪 综合测试仪  频谱分析仪  信号发生器  噪声系数分析仪  音频分析仪 数字万用表  表程控电源  功率计  频率计  阻抗分析仪 视频分析仪  函数信号发生器  LCR电子测试仪 电子负载万 用表校准仪  示波器校准仪  高压机    数据采集器   接收/发射机   测量接收机  电缆/天线分析仪  调制度分析仪  蓝牙综测仪  GPIB卡等  









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