
More Glycine, Please

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-07-15 21:04:14/ 个人分类:Cancer metabolism

To better characterize metabolic properties of cancer cells, Jain et al. (p. 1040; see the Perspective by Tomita and Kami) measured systematically the concentrations of hundreds of metabolites in cell culture medium in which 60 different cancer cell lines were growing.  The fastest growing cancer cells tended to consume glycine, whereas more slowly growing cells excreted some glycine.  The rapidly growing cancer cells appeared to need glycine for synthesis of purine nucleotides required for continued synthesis of DNA.  Interfering with glycine metabolism slowed growth of the rapidly proliferating cancer cells.  Thus, an increased dependence on glycine by rapidly growing cancer cells could potentially provide a target for therapeutic intervention.


1. Metabolite Profiling Identifies a Key Role for Glycine in Rapid Cancer Cell Proliferation



2. Systems Biology, Metabolomics, and Cancer Metabolism



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