
2012 Lasker Award 拉斯克临床医学研究奖

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-10-13 14:34:21/ 个人分类:闲情逸事

去年,因为Youyou Tu (屠呦呦) 奶奶获得了拉斯克临床医学奖而备受国人关注,今年因莫言爷爷获得炸药奖,关注Lasker Award的人相对就少了,对观众而言,获奖者总是会给大家带来惊喜!
今年的Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award获奖者之一Prof. Ronald Vale 给青椒们的 Ten lessons 摘录如下:
How lucky can one be? A perspective from a young scientist at the right place at the right time
1. Find good mentors, learn from them and then develop your own style.
2. Pick an important problem.
3. Get ahead but then take a chance: seek adventure.
4. Read the literature but don’t be crippled by it.
5. You don’t need a fancy lab to do good science.
6. Work hard, play hard and squeeze in time to do your laundry.
7. Persistence is more important than brilliance.
8. No project or career is immune from mistakes.
9. Don’t be afraid to change your life plans.
10. Science is moving fast: hold on and enjoy the ride.
ps:Vale Lab

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