wearing his Vibram Five Fingers Sprint

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-01 17:00:04

We chatted excitedly about the vibram five, of course, and Methuselah's running friend "Lightning" described this historic moment on his blog:When we were there Methuselah bumped into a fellow " five fingers shoes" wearer.It was interesting to see them interact. Almost like rare zoo animals that had been separated from their own kind all their lives. There was great excitement in the air. Anything could have happened ;-) Thank god it didn't."There was a great deal of interest in the Treks among the fell runners, who are a practical bunch generally favouring minimal trail shoes such as Inov-8s. At least one other runner said he already runs on the roads in FiveFingers, so I think we can expect to see a growing number of Treks out on the fells in years to come!Sam, a marathon runner living in London, has made the transition to minimalist running over the last 8 months. After trying to transition too quickly, he stepped back and made a more gradual transition and recently completed the Rotterdam Marathon wearing his vibram fivefingers Sprint. His story is compelling and there is much to be learned from his experiences. This is a must read for serious runners transitioning to VFFs.I got on to Five Fingers around mid 2009 after a pretty bad knee injury I could not shake. I was able to finish my third marathon in a PB of 3h04m46s, but I fell over the line and I could hardly walk for a week. My left knee was shot. After weeks and months of searching on why, I came across the Five Fingers and minimalist running. Something about them just made sense... I get the feeling many others who wear them felt the same when they first laid eyes on them.Well, I started out with a few small runs after my knee was feeling better, a few km's at a time and they felt GREAT! I could instantly feel the change it had made to my gait. I was running far more upright, with shorter steps and of course I was landing on my forefoot first. I had the obligatory calf pain, but as I had read this was "something we all had to go through!" As I had just finished my marathon and was planning the next, all I wanted to do was hit the trails on the weekends for my long run in my Five Fingers. I had the fitness, I was strong, so why couldn't I handle a 25km in the vibram after only a few weeks running in them?








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  • 访问量: 1501
  • 日志数: 32
  • 建立时间: 2010-06-30
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-22


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