I believe that vibram fivefigners

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-02 13:48:22

Many people mistakenly believe that five fingers shoes against health codes to go barefoot in public. Many say that it's a safety issue and that they don't want me possibly getting cut on a random sharp object on the ground. I've even been told that management doesn't want other patrons being "offended" by my bare feet. The funny thing about that was the location: I was visiting an art gallery where paintings and sculptures of nude people were on display. Yeah, there are a lot of very bad and unfortunate stigmas against feet out there.Tell me a bit about the Primalfoot Alliance. What was the impetus to start this organization? What would you like to see it accomplish?Put simply, The Primalfoot Alliance is an advocate for letting feet be feet first. It is meant to be a unified voice for everyone vibram five fingers believes going barefoot is the best way to function, or who desire to ensure that their feet stay healthy by wearing the most primal shoes possible. We believe that the primal foot is one that is allowed to be free of imprudently restrictive, inflexible or gait-altering footwear. Barefoot is best, but we acknowledge that there are times that footwear is a better choice --just like when people sometimes wear gloves.I started the organization after becoming greatly concerned about a reoccurring problem. While reading about the benefits of going barefoot (increased sensory awareness, stronger feet, lack of sweatiness/smell) I was also hearing about the numerous forms of discrimination that barefooters regularly encounter when they go unshod in public. At a minimum, they get strange looks from others. At the worst, they're asked to leave the establishment into which they went barefoot. When I really thought about it, I realized that this is actually very wrong! There aren't enough safety risks out there to justify such regular use of footwear. There aren't significant health concerns like so many people tend to believe. vibram fivefingers Remove those issues and all you have left is a populace that is terribly misinformed and has built up terrible stereotypes about feet. That said, arguing the merits of letting us go barefoot in the grocery store isn't enough.









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  • 访问量: 1501
  • 日志数: 32
  • 建立时间: 2010-06-30
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-22


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