You Need Vibram Five Fingers Shoes

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-06 14:27:17

When you wear the vibram five fingers shoes, you must have a feeling that they provide you an extra thin layer to your feet or we say, just like another layer of skin. They provide a layer between your skin and any blstering hot surfaces, making hot summer sandals and baking pavements surprisingly pleasant to walk on. And of course, they are comfy, protective and full flexible.

The first thing we found is that they fit very snugly, which means stretching the shoe to get your foot to fit into it. But once inside, they hug your foot and each of your toes like a snug glove, while allowing for full freedom of movement. The rubber is a little tight to begin with, but once you’ve been wiggling your digits for a few minutes, the fabric soon begins to loosen up, so there is a little time needed for breaking them in. There’s no extra cushioning, so jumping onto a hard surface is just as painful as in your bare feet, but when it comes to hot pavements and scorching sands that have had the sun beating down on them all day, there’s no pain, just a lovely warm feeling. When Vibram Five Fingers Sale comes to barefoot walking, wearing vibram fivefingers

 shoes is just like walking in your barefeet, so you have to tread differently, using your midfoot and forefoot for softer impacts. This puts a little more spring in your step and can become quite tiring at first, but you’ll soon adapt to it -especially if you’re prone to heel striking hard in your everyday shoes. You won’t want to do that anymore after taking a few steps on a solid surface!








« 2024-05-09  


  • 访问量: 1501
  • 日志数: 32
  • 建立时间: 2010-06-30
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-22


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