加拿大滑铁卢大学Murray Moo-Young教授在我室学术交流

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生化工程国家重点实验室 2007-11-22

2007年11月19日上午,来自加拿大滑铁卢大学的Murray Moo-Young教授在过程所主楼201为我们做了一场关于生物反应器生物修复生物能源的精彩报告。

Murray Moo-Young教授是国际公认最著名的生物化工专家,有13部学术著作,300多篇SCI学术论文,9项专利,是Biotechnology Advances杂志的主编,多次担任国际学术会议的主席,是加拿大化工学会和美国最高奖励的获得者,加拿大皇家科学院士,在生物反应工程学的造诣在国际上堪称巨匠。

Bioreactors, bioremediation and bioenergy
Professor Murray Moo-Young, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Abstract:Bioreactors play a central role in all manufacturing and remediation systems based on biotechnology. There is a wide range of biochemical engineering strategies for enhancing the efficiency of bioreactors. Here we address generic issues related to the physical, genetic and physiological constraints in bioreactor design, operation, scale-up and optimization. In particular, we will re-visit important issues related to intensification opportunities driven by substrate pretreatment, fed-batch protocols, cell-immobilization and equipment retrofits. An overview of our own research case studies with microbial fermentations and mammalian cell cultures in stirred-tank and air-lift bioreactor systems will illustrate the effectiveness of proposed innovative procedures for various bioprocesses. The relative significance of the expression system, the bioreactor and the downstream recovery of products will be noted. This is a timely appraisal of ongoing bioprocessing options in view of the current techno-economic interest in environmental pollution, energy alternatives, generic drugs and the development of new ones.

TAG: 生物能源生物反应器生物修复






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