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报告 | 液体结构生物学:液体状态下的蛋白重构和动力学研究!


Reminder to join our upcoming webinar:Liquid Structural Biology: Protein reconstruction and dynamics in liquid state

PresenterDr. Lorena Ruiz-Pérez

Deputy Lead at Molecular Bionics Lab, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia

Session 1

Wednesday, November 17th

10 AM CET │ 5 PM Beijing time

Session 2

Wednesday, November 17th

8 PM CET │ 2 PM EST (USA) 

Dear All,

Would you like to explore protein reconstruction and dynamics in liquid state?

In our upcoming Stream User Webinar, Dr. Lorena Ruiz-Pérez, Deputy Lead at the Molecular Bionics Lab, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, will present research on the combination of all-atom simulations with LPEM to complement protein structural studies with dynamic investigations. She will reveal how she was able to exploit LPEM and our Stream system to image the dynamics of proteins undergoing Brownian motion. Via tomographic techniques, she will show how to utilize the proteins'' natural rotation to access the particle structural landscape for reconstructing its architecture in 3D.

Moreover, during this webinar, Lorena will present how LPEM can be used to image and screen amyloid-β (Aβ) aggregation. Aβ is a small, disordered peptide with 36-43 amino acids. Aβ accumulates into stages of microscopic amyloid fibres and plaques that are found in brains affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). 

This work, although still in early stages, promises to provide relevant and novel biological information on Aβ aggregation pathways.

Don''t miss out, please register your free spot now!


