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Journal of Sexual Medicine

  • 1743-6095
  • 205
  • 3.293
  • Q2
  • 1743-6095
  • 205
  • 3.293
  • Q2
《性医学杂志》发表多学科基础科学和临床研究,以定义和理解男性、女性和夫妻性功能和功能障碍的科学基础。作为国际性医学学会和国际妇女性健康研究学会的官方期刊,它为性医学保健专业人员提供基本的教育内容,并促进实验和临床研究产生的科学信息的交流。 《性医学杂志》包括男性、女性和夫妻性功能和功能障碍的心理和生物学方面的基础科学和临床研究,并重点介绍新的观察和研究、创新治疗的结果以及与临床性医学相关的所有其他主题。 《性医学杂志》的目标是作为一个跨学科论坛,整合与人类性行为整个领域相关的学科之间的交流。该杂志通过发表原创文章以及其他支持国际性医学学会使命的科学和教育文件来实现这一目标。
The Journal of Sexual Medicine publishes multidisciplinary basic science and clinical research to define and understand the scientific basis of male, female, and couples sexual function and dysfunction. As an official journal of the International Society for Sexual Medicine and the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health, it provides healthcare professionals in sexual medicine with essential educational content and promotes the exchange of scientific information generated from experimental and clinical research. The Journal of Sexual Medicine includes basic science and clinical research studies in the psychologic and biologic aspects of male, female, and couples sexual function and dysfunction, and highlights new observations and research, results with innovative treatments and all other topics relevant to clinical sexual medicine. The objective of The Journal of Sexual Medicine is to serve as an interdisciplinary forum to integrate the exchange among disciplines concerned with the whole field of human sexuality. The journal accomplishes this objective by publishing original articles, as well as other scientific and educational documents that support the mission of the International Society for Sexual Medicine.