GSO IEC TR 60825-8:2012
激光产品的安全 第8部分:人体安全使用激光束指南

Safety of laser products - Part 8: Guidelines for the safe use of laser beams on humans



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GSO IEC TR 60825-8:2012
GSO IEC TR 60825-8:2012
This part of IEC 60825 serves as a guide to the employer, the responsible organisation, the laser safety officer, the laser operator and other persons involved, on the safe use of lasers and laser equipment classified as class 3B or class 4. It covers all applications of laser beams on humans in, but not limited to, health-care facilities, cosmetic and hair removal centres and dental practices, including applications in vehicles and domestic premises. This technical report explains the control measures recommended for the safety of patients, staff, maintenance personnel and others. Engineering controls which form part of the laser equipment or the installation are also briefly described to provide an understanding of the general principles of protection. The subject areas covered in this guide include - beam delivery systems; - biological effects of laser radiation; - reporting of accidents and dangerous situations; - checklists. The object of this report is to enhance the protection of persons from laser radiation and other associated hazards by providing guidance on how to establish safety procedures, precautions and user control measures.

GSO IEC TR 60825-8:2012相似标准



1类激光器是可访问激光束(可访问发射)辐射功率始终低于或等于“最大允许暴露”值产品。因此,对于1类激光器,输出功率低于认为会造成眼睛伤害水平。暴露于1类激光光束不会对眼睛造成伤害。因此,可以认为1类激光器是安全。但是,1类激光产品可能包含更高级别的激光系统,但是有足够工程控制措施来确保在正常使用期间不太可能接近光束。此类产品示例包括激光打印机和光盘播放器。  ...


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对于905纳米和1540纳米激光测距仪,我们就称之为"安全"。对于1064纳米激光测距仪,由于它对人体具有潜在危害性,所以我们就称之为"不安全"。   激光测距仪,由于采用激光进行距离测量,而脉冲激光束是能量非常集中单色光源,所以在使用时不要用眼对准发射口直视,也不要用瞄准望远镜观察光滑反射面,以免伤害人眼睛。一定要按仪器说明书中安全操作规范进行测量。...

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