ISO 18916:2007

Imaging materials - Processed imaging materials - Photographic activity test for enclosure materials

ISO 18916:2007
ISO 18916:2007
ISO 5-2:2001 ISO 5-3:1995 ISO 5-4:1995
This International Standard specifies the procedure for the photographic activity and dye coupler reactivity tests. This International Standard is applicable to general photographic enclosure materials such as paper, tissue, cardboard, mat board and plastics. It is also applicable to components of photographic enclosure materials such as adhesives, inks, paints, labels, and tape. This International Standard evaluates possible chemical interactions between enclosures with processed silver-gelatin, colour (dye-gelatin), inkjet prints made with dye-based and pigment-based inks, thermal dye diffusion transfer (“dye sub”) prints, digitally printed dye-diffusion-transfer prints, liquid- and dry-toner xerographic prints, liquid-toner electrostatic prints, and diazo images after long-term storage. It does not pertain to harmful physical interactions such as blocking (sticking together), dye bleed, adhesive migration, or plasticizer exudation. It does not pertain to important criteria of enclosures such as their inherent chemical stability, physical integrity, and workmanship. Passing the photographic activity test (PAT) does not indicate that a material is archival. This term has no clear definition and is not used in this standard. Photo-safe, storage enclosures and their components are covered in ISO 18902, which includes passing the criteria of the photographic activity test. If a particular brand of commercially made enclosure materials is found to be safe for long-term storage purposes, there is no assurance that subsequent batches will contain the same ingredients of the same purity, chemical inertness, concentrations, or sound and sturdy construction. For this reason, materials are tested annually or upon each formulation or supplier change. For materials which are manufactured in a variety of colours, such as papers and inks, each colour is evaluated and reported separately. For enclosures intended for use with any of the above imaging processes, only the black-and-white PAT described in Clauses 4 to 7 are applicable. The dye coupler reactivity test is optional as the results are valid only for the specific colour print product being investigated. Different colour print products can have different staining sensitivities. For enclosures intended for use with diazo images, only the diazo PAT described in 8.5 is applicable.

ISO 18916:2007相似标准



此项技术应用领域广泛,从明场/暗场条件下显微成像,到在质量控制环节中自动化表层分析处理过程运用到高分辨率全景或拼接成像摄影,再到对活体试验品生命进程观察都有应用。 以往当生物科学对时间序列或Z组多维摄影起重要作用时,大量测量及分析功能被看作是材料分析学必要特征。因此,软件包是以模件规则来构建,并能在一个基础包基础上单独适应使用者不同用途需求。...


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