IESNA DG-19-2008

Design Guide for Roundabout Lighting



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IESNA DG-19-2008
2004. and R. Knoblauch. “Field test for Lighting B. Ananthanarayanan DC FHWA-RD-00-067 Hasson IES TM-15-07 P. P. Lutkevich Presented at the 2004 TRB Annual meeting to Improve safety at Pedestrian Crosswalks.” Washington Watson
A modern roundabout is a form of circular intersection distinguished from other circular intersections in three principal ways. First, all traffic entering the intersection must yield to traffic already circulating within the circulatory roadway. Second, approaches or “legs” of the roundabout are channelized, most often with raised splitter islands, forcing entering vehicles to deflect to the right on entry. Third, appropriate geometric curvature is provided to ensure that travel speeds at entrances and on the circulatory roadway are less than 50 km/h (30 mph). Figure 1 provides an illustration of a typical single lane roundabout. According to the FHWA Roundabouts: An Informational Guide,1 due to a great reduction in the number of conflict points as well as the low absolute and relative speeds between various vehicles, roundabouts, in particular single lane roundabouts, have been proven to be significantly safer than traditional signal or stop controlled intersections (see Figure 2). Physical features of a roundabout usually include raised splitter islands between entering and exiting traffic, a raised center island, yield lines as well as edge line markings, unique signing, and when appropriate, pedestrian features (sidewalks, ramps, crosswalks), and illumination. Though advisory speeds may be posted, speeds are not set through signing. Speeds through a roundabout are self-enforced by the geometry of the raised features. Other features not common to all roundabouts but often necessary include truck aprons and entry flares. Truck-aprons are generally slightly raised above the rest of the roadway, but are mountable and traversable by the rear wheels of larger vehicles that can’t track within the normal striped lane. Entry widths have a greater effect on roundabout capacity than any other single feature. The approach roadway thus often flares out just ahead of the roundabout for a wider entry width. The width of the circular roadway is generally constant and at least as wide as the widest entry. Bicyclists should mix with vehicle traffic as experienced riders can generally attain speeds similar to motor vehicles within roundabouts. Approach designs often provide for children and less capable bicyclists to exit the roadway and cross as pedestrians. Bicycle lanes are not allowed (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2003 Edition, November 20042) on the circular roadway within a modern roundabout.

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