BS 8581-1-2012
交换过程的相关信息. 第1部分: 课程广告配置文件. 规范

Exchanging course related information.Part 1:Course advertising profile. Specification

BS 8581-1-2012 发布历史

This British Standard specifies requirements for applications that produce and aggregate XCRl-CAP documents. It is intended for use by producers and aggregators in the dissemination of course information to prospective students. This British Standard specifies requirements for: policy-makers prescribing a consistent approach for product advertisement that conforms to BS EN 15982 to learning opportunity providers; decision-makers specifying or procuring software for advertising or aggregating information about learning opportunities in a format that conforms to BS EN 15982; and software developers writing code for advertising or aggregating information about learning opportunities in a format that conforms to BS EN 15982.

BS 8581-1-2012由英国标准学会 GB-BSI 发布于 2012-10-31,并于 2012-10-31 实施。

BS 8581-1-2012 在中国标准分类中归属于: L67 计算机应用,在国际标准分类中归属于: 35.240.99 信息技术在其他领域中的应用。

BS 8581-1-2012 发布之时,引用了标准

  • BS EN 15982 教育资源元数据(MLO).广告
  • BS ISO 8601 数据元和交换格式.信息交换.日期和时间表示法
  • BS ISO 15836-2009 信息和文件.都柏林(Dublin)核心元数据元素集

BS 8581-1-2012的历代版本如下:

  • 2012年10月31日 BS 8581-1-2012 交换过程的相关信息. 第1部分: 课程广告配置文件. 规范

BS 8581-1-2012

BS 8581-1-2012
BS EN 15982 BS ISO 8601 BS ISO 15836-2009 INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE (IETF). RFC 3986 DUBLIN CORE METADATA INITIATIVE. DCMI terms [viewed 2012-07-12] DUBLIN CORE METADATA INITIATIVE. Dublin Core Metadata Element Set1 version 1.1 [viewed 2012-07-12] I
This British Standard specifies requirements for applications that produce and aggregate XCRl-CAP documents. It is intended for use by producers and aggregators in the dissemination of course information to prospective students. This British Standard specifies requirements for: policy-makers prescribing a consistent approach for product advertisement that conforms to BS EN 15982 to learning opportunity providers; decision-makers specifying or procuring software for advertising or aggregating information about learning opportunities in a format that conforms to BS EN 15982; and software developers writing code for advertising or aggregating information about learning opportunities in a format that conforms to BS EN 15982.

BS 8581-1-2012系列标准

BS 8581-1-2012 中可能用到的仪器设备

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