
  • 2013 改变从头做起

    wangmeitao 发布于 2013-02-15 19:27:25

    这次回去过年 大人们见到你的无非几句话 多少钱一个月 谈朋友了没 年纪大了就谈不到好的了 差不多就可以了 真的是听到头晕 不过看到都是成对的 还是很羡慕的 想想自己也要奔三了 还是一个人 也很想找到属于自己的爱情 可是 我也不知道在哪里 好想好想找到这么一个人来呵护我 他有担当 爱我包容我的一切 无论是缺点 还是优点  我们一起相守到老 白了头发还牵着手走
    魔咒的破除 还是得靠自身改变走起 幸福是要争取的 不是等待能够得到的
    2013 加油!加油!加油!
  • 还原剂

    wangmeitao 发布于 2009-04-11 10:51:42

    R代表还原剂(Reducing Agents)

    二硫苏糖醇DTT,beta-巯基乙醇,TCEP等是巯基类还原剂。还原剂可以保护蛋白质上自由的巯基不被氧化,从而避免蛋白质的聚集或变性。在结晶实验中,一般使用的还原剂工作浓度是1 - 10 mM 。
    含砷化合物与还原剂不能共用。 二甲胂和 二甲胂酸钠是结晶中常使用的含砷化合物,它们不能与还原剂共同使用。其他不能与还原剂一起使用的物质还包括:硝酸铵,过氧化氢,高氯酸钾,硝酸钠。在使用某种物质之前,应该先查阅Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 。

    Reducing agents are substances that cause other chemical species to be reduced or gain electrons. In order for reducing agents to cause the gaining of electrons on some other chemical species, they must undergo oxidation. Therefore reducing agents undergo oxidation when they do their job.

    Dithiothreitol (DTT), beta-mercaptoethanol (beta-me), and Tris(2-Carboxyethyl)-Phosphine Hydrochloride (TCEP HCl) are sulfhydryl protective reducing agents. Reducing agents are typically used to prevent the oxidation of free sulfhydryl residues (cysteines) in the protein. Such oxidation can lead to non-specific aggregation of the sample, sample heterogeneity, inactivity, or denaturation of the sample. In a typical crystallization experiment, reducing agents are used in the concentration range of 1 to 10 mM in the crystallization drop.
    Beta-me has one sulfhydryl group and is the weakest of the three reducing agents discussed here, lasting perhaps two to three days. The supply of beta-me should be replenished every two to three days in the crystallization experiment to maintain the effectiveness of the reducing agent. Since beta-me is volatile, it can be added to the reservoir of vapor diffusion experiments for diffusion into the crystallization drop.

    DTT has two sulfhydryl groups and lasts about three to seven days in a typical crystallization experiment. DTT is not a strong volatile like beta-me (although it does possess a strong odor) and should be added directly to the crystallization drop when possible. Another consideration when working with DTT is to use the microdialysis method for crystallization since DTT can be added to the dialysis solution to replenish the supply of reducing agent.
    TCEP HCl is stronger than both beta-me and DTT, lasting about 2 to 3 weeks in a typical crystallization experiment. TCEP hydrochloride can acidify the crystallization solution. Like DTT, TCEP HCl needs to be added directly to the crystallization drop, hence, microdialysis is a consideration.

    Beta-me, DTT, and TCEP HCl can behave differently. Like all additives, if you find a class of compounds has an effect on sample stability or crystallization, then screen a variety of compounds in that class to see which one is best for your application. What we are trying to suggest is that like all additives, one might consider evaluating all three reducing agents to see which one works best for your sample.

    There have been reports where reducing agents have been used as successful crystallization additives where there were no free sulfhydryls in the sample.

    Reducing agents can bind metals and trace metal compounds, inactivating the reducing agent and the metal. This can make heavy atom derivatization in the presence of reducing agents, difficult and frustrating. EDTA can be added to the crystallization experiment to avoid inactivation of the reducing agent by metals. Keep in mind that if your sample needs metals for activity or stability that EDTA will keep metals from your sample.

    When working at an alkaline pH, beta-me and TCEP HCl are more stable than DTT. TCEP HCl is more stable at acid pH than DTT.

    DTT reduces nickel ions and can cause problems when purifying His-tagged proteins. To avoid this complication, try beta-me or TCEP HCl as a reducing agent instead of DTT when purifying His-tagged proteins.

    L-cysteine is also a reducing agent. It’s usefulness in crystallization is limited since it likes to form. small hexagonal plate shaped crystals. L-cysteine can be a useful crystallization additive, but keep those pesky hexagonal plates in the back of your mind when working with L-cysteine.

    If oxidation of the sample is expected or anticipated, reducing agents should be present during the preparation of the protein (when possible) and should be included, added, or replenished during the final preparation of the sample for crystallization. In vapor diffusion experiments, the reducing agent can be included or added to the crystallization reagent in the reservoir to minimize or prevent dilution of the reducing agent in the sample drop.

    When deciding on the appropriate concentration of reducing agent for the sample, consider the number of free sulfhydryls in the sample as well as sample concentration. More free sulfhydryls and higher sample concentration mean that one should consider using higher concentrations of reducing agent.

    Arsenical compounds are not compatible with reducing agents. Cacodylic acid, or sodium cacodylate is an arsenical compound and popular crystallization buffer and is not compatible with reducing agents. Other compounds not compatible with reducing agents include ammonium nitrate, hydroperoxide, potassium perchlorate, sodium nitrate. Check the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these reagents for specifics about the incompatibilities of these chemicals with reducing agents.



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