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Investigation of complex isotope patterns of 13C-labeled plant metabolites by Mass Spectral Deconvolution

应用领域:细胞生物学/微生物 检测样品:有机物 检测项目:有机物



  Isotope labeling and quantitative LC-MS profiling together offer a promising approach for unraveling dynamics of biosynthesis of specialized metabolites (natural products) in plants and other organisms. Isotope patterns and ratios in metabolites harbor valuable information tracing the biosynthetic history of specific compounds. This technique provides a promising tool for extending metabolic flux analyses to complex specialized metabolites in a wide range of organisms. However, the isotopic patterns of highly labeled metabolites can exhibit remarkable complexity, and therefore accurate and high-throughput data processing is necessitated when analyzing labeling of large numbers of metabolites in biological matrices. Here we demonstrate how a new approach based on spectral deconvolution achieves simultaneous quantification of complex isotope patterns of 13C-labeled natural products.


参考报价:联系绿绵科技:010-8267 6067 品牌:Cerno
产地:美国 型号:MassWorks 软件
400-6699-117 转8818
参考报价:面议 品牌:Cerno
产地:美国 型号:MassWorks
400-6699-117 转8818
参考报价:联系绿绵01082676061 品牌:瑞铂云
产地:中国 型号:LABOS物料系统
400-6699-117 转8818