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参考报价: 面议 型号: G300016
品牌: 暂无 产地: 暂无
关注度: 83 信息完整度:
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可以做哪些实验,检测什么? 可以用哪些耗材和试剂?

- No cold spot gives the possibility to sniff the high boiling compounds.

- Maximum 300°C on the transfer line.

- Protects your nose from drying by adding moisture air to sniffing port.

- Easy to connect the capillary column to the splitter.

- Sitting down while sniffing.

- Compact and easy to install on any GC instrument.

» Commonly used in food, flavor and fragrances companies. These machines are used mostly for consumer evaluation. » GC-Olfactometry adds a dimension to the technique. By performing a separation prior to the olfactometry, the compounds responsible for an odor can be smelled one by one, and the odor decomposed into multiple odors. The instrument used for the olfactometry part is usually called a sniffer port or sniffer.

» Humid air added before heated interface. Addition of humid air is crucial to the comfort. By preventing nasal dryness, the user can maintain equal sensitivity through the run. By adding the humid air before the transfer line we prevent water condensation on the nose cone.



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