食品安全研究团队在过去的五年中共发表研究性文章60余篇,其中SCI收录论文20余篇,EI收录论文4篇。内容覆盖转基因食品分子检测技术,转基因食品安全评价技术,转基因食品非期望效应检测技术,食品微生物检测技术,食品生物保藏技术,有机重金属分析检测技术以及功能成分重组表达技术等领域。涉及的杂志包括《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》、《Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture》、《Food control》、《Food Science》、《Plant Cell Repots》、《Biotechnol Lett》、《LWT-Food Science and Technology》、《European Food Research and Technology》、《Food Chemistry Toxicology》、《Carbohydrate Research》、《Chinese Journal of Agricultural biotechnology》、《Journal of Food Composition and Analysis》。
- Development and Application of Immunoaffinity Column as Cleanup Tool for an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay of Phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase Detection in Genetically modified Maize and Rape.《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》
- Rapid and Reliable Detection and Identification of GM Events Using Multiplex PCR Coupled with Oligonucleotide Microarray.《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》
- Event-specific Detection of Stacked Genetically Modified Maize Bt11×GA21 by UP-M-PCR and Real-time PCR. 《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》
- Comparison of Grain from Corn Rootworm Resistant Transgenic DAS-59122-7 Maize with Nontransgenic Maize Grain in a 90-day Feeding Study in Sprague-Dawley Rat.《Food and Chemical Toxicology》
- Unintended Effects wer Investigated in Antioxidant Activity between Genetically Modified Organisms and Their Nontransgenic Control. 《Food and Chemical Toxicology》