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食品安全研究团队在过去的五年中共发表研究性文章60余篇,其中SCI收录论文20余篇,EI收录论文4篇。内容覆盖转基因食品分子检测技术,转基因食品安全评价技术,转基因食品非期望效应检测技术,食品微生物检测技术,食品生物保藏技术,有机重金属分析检测技术以及功能成分重组表达技术等领域。涉及的杂志包括《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》、《Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture》、《Food control》、《Food Science》、《Plant Cell Repots》、《Biotechnol Lett》、《LWT-Food Science and Technology》、《European Food Research and Technology》、《Food Chemistry Toxicology》、《Carbohydrate Research》、《Chinese Journal of Agricultural biotechnology》、《Journal of Food Composition and Analysis》。


  1. Development and Application of Immunoaffinity Column as Cleanup Tool for an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay of Phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase Detection in Genetically modified Maize and Rape.《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》
  2. Rapid and Reliable Detection and Identification of GM Events Using Multiplex PCR Coupled with Oligonucleotide Microarray.《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》
  3. Event-specific Detection of Stacked Genetically Modified Maize Bt11×GA21 by UP-M-PCR and Real-time PCR. 《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》
  4. Comparison of Grain from Corn Rootworm Resistant Transgenic DAS-59122-7 Maize with Nontransgenic Maize Grain in a 90-day Feeding Study in Sprague-Dawley Rat.《Food and Chemical Toxicology》
  5. Unintended Effects wer Investigated in Antioxidant Activity between Genetically Modified Organisms and Their Nontransgenic Control. 《Food and Chemical Toxicology》
