实验方法> 植物学技术> 植物生理>Cytological Dissection of the Triticeae Chromosomes by the Gametocidal System

Cytological Dissection of the Triticeae Chromosomes by the Gametocidal System

关键词: cytological dissection triticeae来源: 互联网
Triticeae species have a large and complex genome, which has made it difficult to obtain their sequence data. Some alien chromosomes called the gametocidal (Gc) chromosomes introduced into common wheat can induce chromosomal breakage resulting in the generation of deletions and translocations. The induced deletions have been established as deletion stocks in common wheat. This Gc system is also effective in inducing chromosomal breakages in Triticeae chromosomes added to common wheat. The induced aberrant chromosomes can be identified by chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization and can be established in common wheat as dissection lines. This Gs system will be useful to dissect the single chromosomes of Triticeae species.

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