实验方法> 生物信息学技术> 数据库>Molecular Beacons for ProteinDNA Interaction Studies

Molecular Beacons for ProteinDNA Interaction Studies

关键词: molecular beacons protein来源: 互联网
Real-time monitoring of DNA—protein interactions involving molecular beacon (MB) and molecular beacon aptamer (MBA) was discussed in this chapter. MBs are single-stranded oligonucleotide probes with a hairpin structure. MBs have been designed for oligonucleotide recognition and protein—DNA interaction studies. Real-time monitoring of enzymatic reactions, such as cleavage, ligation, and phosphorylation of single-stranded DNA by specific enzyme, has been studied using MBs. Meanwhile, a new generation of molecular probes, MBA, was designed by combining the excellent signal transduction properties of MBs with the specificity of aptamers for protein recognition. Two different aptamers, the one for thrombin and that for platelet-derived growth factor, have been successfully used to construct MBA probes. The interaction between the proteins and the MBA probes was investigated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, fluorescence anisotropy, and time-resolved fluorescence. This chapter has reviewed our recent progress in this area.

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