实验方法> 生物信息学技术> 数据库>Use of Fluorophore-Assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis (FACE) in the Elucidation of N-Linked Oligosaccharide Structures

Use of Fluorophore-Assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis (FACE) in the Elucidation of N-Linked Oligosaccharide Structures

关键词: use fluorophore-assisted来源: 互联网
Fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis (FACE�) is a technique that has been successfully used to determine the structure of N-linked oligosaccharides (1 ,2 ). The method was originally introduced by Peter Jackson (3 ) to separate both mono- and oligosaccharides, and several reviews have appeared since then on this subject (4 7 ). The techniques used here are relatively simple and can be carried out in most biochemical laboratories.

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