









台湾国立Sun Yat-Sen大学化学系 Jentaie Shiea(謝建台)教授

  来自台湾国立Sun Yat-Sen大学化学系的Jentaie Shiea(謝建台)教授,为大家做了题为“Laser-Based Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry”(基于激光的敞开离子源质谱)报告。在报告中,他介绍了电喷雾辅助的激光解吸离子化(ELDI)技术,和激光诱导的声解吸(LIAD)技术,这些技术用在质谱上,都可在敞开离子源条件下分析固体或液体样品,无需样品制备。反应物分子和脉冲激光反应产生解吸,而无需有机基质;解吸后的离子在酸性甲醇溶液中电喷雾离子化。谢教授课题组最近改进了ELDI和LIAD源,并应用于一些特殊的应用。比如高通量的薄层/质谱(TLC/MS)分析;分子成像分析;化学反应监测;蛋白结构研究等。以下是英文摘要:

  Electrospray-assisted laser desorption ionization (ELDI) and laser-induced acoustic desorption (LIAD) mass spectrometry (MS) are useful techniques for directly characterizing small chemical or large biological components in solid or liquid under ambient conditions. Sample pretreatment is usually unnessary for both techniques. The analytes molecules in the samples are desorbed by the action of a pulsed laser without the assistance of organic matrix. The desorbed molecules are subsequently ionized in electrospray plume generated by electrospraying and acidic methol solution. Recently, we have modified the existing ELDI and LIAD source so unique applications are performed: 1) High throughput TLC/MS analysis – the TLC plate was linearly scanned by the laser from either side of the plate. Typically the systems allow to continuously screening up to 400 TLC plates per day. 2) Molecolar imaging analysis – with the assistance of a stepper motor for precisely moving the sample plate and a high spatial resolution laser, the distribution of the predominant chemical compounds on a particular sample surface were obtained. The molecular images based on volatile and non-volatile chemical compounds on dry fungus and plant slices were obtained. 3) Monitoring chemical reaction – the states of ongoing chemical reactions – nanoparticle catalyzed photodecomposition of dye molecules in different organic solvents, were continuously monitored. 4) Protein structure study – the change of protein structure was studied via H/D and D/H exchange. The amino acids, peptides, and proteins with different exchangeable H atoms were chosen to ascertain the number of H/D or D/H exchanges in a reactive-ELDI/MS system. In addition, a new configuration of the electrospray system was built for both ELDI and LIAD sources. A multiple electrosprayer system was used to generate an atmosphere containing homogenously charged species. The efficiency of post ionization of the desorbed analyte molecules in the new ion sources is greatly increased. Different solvent systems can be simultaneously used to produce electrospray plumes to ionize the analyte molecules with different polarities.


来自香港浸会大学的Zongwei Cai(蔡宗苇)教授,做了题为:“Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for investigating the biochemical effects induced by aristolochic acid in rats: the plasma metabolome”的报告。


安捷伦科技 王颖博士

  来自安捷伦科技的王颖博士向大家介绍了安捷伦公司最新推出的6490三重四极杆液质联用仪,该系统被定义为是世界上最灵敏的三重四极杆液质联用系统。Agilent 6490三重四极杆液质联用仪采用了安捷伦公司最新研制的iFunnel技术,彻底改变了大气压离子采样过程,极大地提高了大多数应用的检测灵敏度。

  iFunnel 技术采用了安捷伦喷射流离子聚焦技术,该技术利用超热鞘气聚焦喷雾流,以提高溶剂蒸发效率,增加了离子密度。这些离子通过六孔取样毛细管进入质谱仪,相比早先的系统,这 6 根平行毛细管可接收约为原先 10倍以上的大气离子。离子通过双离子漏斗组件聚焦,并从气体中分离出来。第一个高压漏斗去除了大部分气体后将离子聚焦到第二个低压漏斗,低压漏斗去除了剩余的气体,从而使离子可以进入 Q1 光学透镜。该系统还采用了新型90°弯曲捕获碰撞池设计,提高了离子传输效率。6490 开创了高端应用的全新领域,分子检测水平可达 zeptomole(10-21 摩尔)级。同时,化合物线性动态范围可以达到六个数量级。
