

  长沙平凡仪器仪表有限公司是在原机械工业部直属企业湖南仪器仪表总厂(简称“湘仪”)破产的基础上成立的高科技股份制公司,是同行率先通过 ISO9001:2008、ISO13485:2003和CE认证的企业,是中国仪器仪表行业协会会员,是离心机国家标准的起草单位,拥有进出口权。公司主要由原湖南仪器仪表总厂离心机厂厂级管理人员,主要技术人员,生产、销售骨干组成。公司地处长沙市望城坡经济开发区,专业研制、生产离心机械已近三十年的历史。公司科研力量雄厚,技术先进,不断引进和吸收国外的先进技术,率先推出新一代智能化离心机、自动平衡离心机、超大容量离心机、乳脂离心机、微型离心过滤机、血液解冻机、细胞液基薄层制片机、自动酶标拍板仪、智能配平仪等系列产品,其产品广泛用于高教、农业科技、生化科研、生化检验、中心血站、血库、生物制品、生命科学、基因工程、放免、环保、卫生食品、生物制药、刑侦等领域。整机采用无刷变频电机,微机模糊控制,触摸界面设计,特殊组合减振,各项性能指标处于国内先导地位。


   CHANGSHA PINGFAN INSTRUMENT AND METER CO.,LTD,located at Changsha Wangchengpo Develoment Area,is a high-tech stock company modified from a state-run large-scale enterprise.It is the first enterprise of the same trade to get a certificate of ISO9001:2008, ISO13485:2003 and CE Mark ,have the right to import and export, drafting of the centrifuge standard.With a history of nearly 30years, professional design and manufacture of centifugal machinery, our company has accumulated rich assets for research and development with constant introduction and absorption of the latest techniques both home and abroad. Our company is the first to launch the new models of intelligent centrifuges,autobalancing centrifuges, super-capacity centrifuges,milk centrifuges,microspin filtering centrifuges,and blood thaw machinery. Our products are extensively applied in high education, agriculture, biochemical reseatch, biochemical test, blood stations and blood banks, bioproducts,life science, genetic engineering, radioimmunology,environment protection, safe food,penal investigation and other fields. Our centrifuges are characterized by (1) brushless motors with capacity of frequency conversion, (2)inkling control by computers, (3)users-friendly design of press buttons,and (4)special combinations to reduce vibration. Every functional index of our products has reached the leading level of our country.

  PINGFAN INSTRUMENT (PINGFAN in Chinese means “ordinary” ) manufactures extraordinary products .We’re striving to establish a good position in the international markets based on our strong domestic status, Our service teners are“quality first, improving continuously, fidelity based, and consumerism”. We promise to provide every user fast and sincere quality service. Welcome to our Company.