BS ISO 37159:2019
智慧社区基础设施 智能交通 实现大城市及其周边地区之间的快速交通

Smart community infrastructures. Smart transportation for rapid transit in and between large city zones and their surrounding areas

BS ISO 37159:2019
BS ISO 37159:2019
What is ISO 37159 - Smart community infrastructure with smart transportation for rapid transit about?    ISO 37159 is an international standard that focuses on smart community infrastructure with smart transportation for rapid transit in and between large city zones and their surrounding areas. ISO 37159 specifies a procedure to organize smart transportation that enables one-day trips by citizens between cities and in a large city zone, including its surrounding areas and conveys many people at a high frequency in a short time over distances of up to 1000 km.   ISO 37159 aims to promote political and economic work and stimulate business activity by providing citizens with a manner of travel to complete a return trip from their home or place of work to destinations outside their cities on the same day. However, this document does not designate a procedure for constructing smart transportation facilities.   Note: “One-day trip” means travel from an origin to a destination and back to the origin on the same day. The purpose of such travel is out of the scope of ISO 37159 .  Who is ISO 37159 - Smart community infras...

BS ISO 37159:2019相似标准



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  一味注重系统上马和开发,却不培养它们之间默契协调,这是目前我国“智慧”系统建设现状。长此以往,城市永远无法“智慧”起来。请关注——   人口膨胀、交通拥堵、环境恶化、住房紧张、就医就业难,大城市越来越像个行动迟缓“傻瓜”。而智慧城市被各界视为“城市病”治标又治本良药。   ...

解读上海科创中心“十四五”⑤ | 科技增进民生福祉,践行人民城市建设理念



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