BS ISO 20688-1:2020
生物技术 核酸合成 合成寡核苷酸的生产和质量控制要求

Biotechnology. Nucleic acid synthesis - Requirements for the production and quality control of synthesized oligonucleotides

BS ISO 20688-1:2020
BS ISO 20688-1:2020
What is ISO 20688 ‑ 1 about? ISO 20688 discusses nucleic acid synthesis in biotechnology. ISO 20688 ‑ 1 outlines minimum requirements for the production and quality control of synthesized oligonucleotides (nominally up to 250 bases). ISO 20688 ‑ 1 also describes general quality attributes for synthesized oligonucleotides as well as common methods for evaluating quality attributes. Control of quality in production is important in the synthesis of oligonucleotides. The quantification of the size range, concentration, and contaminants is necessary to ensure that quality requirements are met for end-use applications. Who is ISO 20688 ‑ 1 for? ISO 20688 ‑ 1 on production and quality control of synthesized oligonucleotides is useful for: Manufacturers of synthesized oligonucleotides Biotechnology laboratories for synthesized oligonucleotides Regulatory authorities Why should you use ISO 20688 ‑ 1 ? Single-stranded, linear bio-polymers made up of nucleotides which are called “synthetic oligonucleotides” or ‘oligos’ are indispensable components for biotechnology. They are used as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification primers, microarray, real-time PCR or next-generation sequencing (NGS) capture probes, and as input starting materials for the creation of entire target genes. ISO 20688 ‑ 1 guideline provides general quality management requirements, resource management, production process, quality control process, and additional req...

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主要功能  AKTAoligopilotplus是一套灵活、全自动DNA/RNA寡核苷酸合成仪,设计用于研发与过程开发实验室,以及寡核苷酸生产厂。 AKTA oligopilot plus 满足新合成化学技术如 RNAi 要求,并且保证了高成本效益比、高质量合成结果。...

掘金小核酸时代 | 全新一代寡核苷酸合成仪ÄKTA oligosynt中国发布会

Cytiva于1992年发布第一款自动化寡核苷酸合成仪Oligo pilot I,在过去30年中,Cytiva始终致力于为全球寡核苷酸客户提供快速、高质量寡核苷酸合成解决方案,不断丰富发展Oligo系列寡核苷酸合成仪产品,从满足实验室研究工艺开发ÄKTA oligopilot plus,到中试级别的Oligo Pilot 400符合GMP生产要求大规模合成仪Oligo Process...


要了解更多信息,请参观安捷伦第418/420号展位。     关于安捷伦核酸疗法   安捷伦通过其核酸解决方案部门,为生物科技制药行业提供全球领先治疗用核酸开发服务以及生产解决方案。该部门在美国科罗拉多州博尔德,设有一个占地33,500平方英尺符合GMP规范要求核酸活性药物成分(API)生产设施;该先进设施治疗用核酸API生产能力可以高达数百公斤。...

BS ISO 20688-1:2020 中可能用到的仪器设备

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