prEN 17098-1 rev
塑料 农业和园艺土壤熏蒸消毒用隔离膜 第1部分:隔离膜规范

Plastics - Barrier films for agricultural and horticultural soil disinfection by fumigation - Part 1: Specifications for barrier films



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prEN 17098-1 rev
EN 17098-1:2018
This document specifies the requirements relating to the dimensional, mechanical, and physical-chemical characteristics of thermoplastic barrier films designed for agricultural and horticultural soil disinfection by means of fumigation. This document also specifies the test methods for verifying these requirements, except the method for determining film permeability using a static technique, which is specified in EN 17098-2. This document defines the criteria for design for recycling of barrier films and refer to prEN (WI00249A5I):2023 for the product lifecycle, including installation, use, removal, and collection for end of life for management of the product after its usage. This document is applicable to films used during soil disinfection by fumigation (class 1), and to films used during soil disinfection subsequently kept in situ as mulch films (class 2). On the date of publication of this document, the barrier films are multi-layer films.

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