BS EN 17681-2:2022
纺织品和纺织产品 有机氟 气相色谱萃取法测定挥发性化合物

Textiles and textile products. Organic fluorine - Determination of volatile compounds by extraction method using gas chromatography

BS EN 17681-2:2022
BS EN 17681-2:2022
1   Scope This document specifies a test method (using gas chromatography, GC) for detection and quantification of selected extractable perfluorinated and polyfluorinated substances in textile materials (fibres, yarns, fabrics) and coated fabrics. NOTE 1 CEN/TR 16741 defines which materials are applicable to this determination. A test method (using liquid chromatography, LC) for detection and quantification of selected extractable perfluorinated and polyfluorinated substances is specified in EN 17681‑1. NOTE 2 Both this document and EN 17681‑1 are needed for PFOA related substances. Classes of regulated compounds are listed in Table 2. Classes of other non-regulated compounds that can be determined by this document are defined in Annex C, Table C.1. This document is also applicable for further PFAS substances provided that the method is validated with the additional compounds. NOTE 3 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/784 amending Annex I to the POP Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 as regards the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds defines among other that “’…PFOA-related compounds’ means the following: … any substances that degrade to PFOA, including any substances (including salts and polymers) having a linear or branched perfluoroheptyl group with the moiety (C 7 F 15 )C as one of the structural e...

BS EN 17681-2:2022相似标准



在一些相关的研究成果中,新型环保的固萃取技术在纺织品挥发性有机物检测中发挥了有效的作用,相关的检测应用研究有:通过固萃取技术以及超声波技术来进行合成纤维单体等目标化合物的提取,然后利用气质联用方法进行目标化合物的检测工作。这种顶空的固萃取技术对纺织品中的氯代烃类等干洗溶剂的检测,有着很好的效果。   ...


Oeko-Tex 100标准对生态纺织品有机挥发物的限量提出了严格要求。我国已制定GB/T 24281―2009方法标准,采用固萃取法测定纺织品有机挥发物的含量。固萃取技术集萃取富集于一体,但样品的前处理复杂,检测周期长,重复性差。热解吸技术是20世纪90年代初出现的一种新的分析测试样品处理技术,具有可以固体直接进样,无须任何前处理过程等优点[1]。...


并与国家标准GB/T18414.2—2006《纺织品含氯苯酚的测定第2部分:色谱法》对比可以看出,该方法在前处理方法萃取溶剂使用量、萃取时间、检出限回收率等方面都优于现有检测标准。该方法的建立为皮革纺织品中含氯苯酚的测定提供了一种、简便、快速的新方法。  此外,快速有机溶剂萃取已在环境中土壤有机农残、挥发性物质食品有机农残、脂肪、有机锡等的检测上得到了广泛的应用。...

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